Monday, September 16, 2019

Government Priorities

This conversation happened during the Ganesh Visarajan on 2nd Sept 2019 at 10:35PM with Police
We: Why it closed so early on festival day
Police: It is closed at 10PM, BBMP or Govt. order
We: Please allow us to do visarajan, so many people are waiting here
Police: No
We: Please..
Police: No...  Only Bars/Pub are allowed to open till 1AM, Libraries will be closed by 8PM and these kinds(Visarajan) closes by 10PM
Libraries are used for study by youths for exam preparation and benefit for citizens , closes by 8PM because libraries/festivals do not bring the taxes to Govt whereas Bars/Pub fills the Govt. exchequer. These are govt. priorities in our country.